Experience for your engineering success
Digital knowledge accelerates innovative processes
With 40 years of experience in software development and digitalization in design and product development, TEDATA forms the core of the MDESIGN group. We developed the successful MDESIGN architecture based on the solution and market requirements of many of our customers. TEDATA is constantly focused on digitally providing technical knowledge for innovative product development processes.
Capturing knowledge, constantly updating it and adding new content is only one side of success. On the other side is the rapid use and effective application of the collected knowledge. The consistent development of MDESIGN explorer as an application platform was and is the central task of TEDATA. In the fast-moving world of software, the separation of user interface and technical content ensures rapid application in current and future practice.
Adaptability secures the future
Integration into existing IT environments is the prerequisite for smooth deployment. Mobile single-user applications as well as client-server installations still form the basis today. Cost-effectiveness is guaranteed for our customers through optimized use of licenses as well as cross-location and cross-company provision. To master these challenges for the future, TEDATA is investing in the development of new architectures. Cloud-based solutions are available to optimize MDESIGN for our customers' new requirements. Modern web-based MDESIGN architectures are already being used to create the conditions for flexibility, internationalization and digitalization for our customers in the future.