Force determination
in screw fields

With this seminar you will learn how to significantly improve the reliability and efficiency
of your multi-bolt connections, while at the same time
at the same time taking costs and safety requirements into account.
Learn everything you need to know about the design and calculation of
of highly stressed multi-bolt connections.



These topics await you...

Multi-bolt connections
according to guideline VDI 2230 sheet 2

Learn how to calculate and safely design multi-bolt connections methodically and in accordance with the guidelines.

Safely evaluate loads on bolt fields

How do different types of load affect the overall connection? Find out more about the latest findings and solutions.

Tightening and assembly methods

In this seminar you will learn about assembly situations and the influence of tightening methods on bolted joints.

Securing multi-bolt connections

Securing methods and their importance for the reliability and safety of your multi-bolt connections.

The seminar deals specifically with the VDI 2230 Sheet 2 guideline.
You will gain an insight into the guideline-compliant design
and determination of forces in bolt fields. Through practice-oriented examples
you will learn the special features of the determination of forces and the
the relationship between VDI 2230 Part 1 and Part 2.


Objectives of the seminar

Screw fields
  • Sound basics
    Learn about the special requirements and calculation methods for multi-bolt connections in accordance with VDI 2230 Sheet 2
  • Cost efficiency
    Material and cost savings through optimized design practices
  • Increased safety
    Concrete assessment of forces increases verification reliability
  • Practical examples
    Independent evaluation of tasks and applications
Screw fields

Contents & details

Basics of the VDI 2230 Sheet 1

  • Summary of calculation steps
  • Problems with the calculation of multi-bolt connections


Continuation of VDI 2230 Sheet 2

Introduction to multi-screw calculation

  • Terms and basics of screw connections
  • Requirements for screw connections
  • definitions of multi-bolt connections: Terms, types, delimitation


Loading of multi-bolt connections

  • Load types for multi-bolt connections
  • The behavior of a bolted joint in the elastic range
  • The superpositions of the load distribution for longitudinal, shear force and moment loads
  • determining the maximum loaded screw-in connection


Calculation method

Rigid body mechanics

  • Basics
  • Simplification, special features and limits
  • Circular flanges
  • Non-rotationally symmetrical screw arrays


  • Screw as a beam model
  • Elastic bedding

Numerical methods FEM


deepening the multi-screw topic

Model classes

  • Task-related modeling variants
  • Necessary calculation variables of the FEM for VDI 2230 Sheet 1
  • Screw compliance

Comparison of FEM systems

  • Necessary basic requirements
  • Process effort for the determination of forces
  • Required safety in the design process

Exemplary solutions with MDESIGN multibolt


Your speaker

Dipl.-Ing. Heinz-Markus Höltermann

  • Studied mechanical engineering at the Ruhr University Bochum and the University of Sheffield, specializing in design and automation technology
  • Seminar leader with many years of experience for leading national and international industrial companies
  • Project and development engineer for screw calculations


Target group

Engineers and specialists from the fields of development, design and calculation, teachers from educational institutions, experts from research institutions and testing companies.



Seminar dates

October 17, 2024: 9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. (German)


Your advantages

Knowledge update
  • Personal certificate
    Documentation of your newly acquired knowledge after attending the seminar
  • Good integration into everyday working life
    Compact seminar content spread over 2 days
  • Watch online & live
    seminars from anywhere and ask our experts questions interactively.
  • Seminar documents
    We also provide you with all the relevant information for reference "afterwards".

Seminar prices


Take advantage of our customer benefit of 10% as an MDESIGN service customer.
All prices plus VAT.


Seminar request for companies

For a larger number of participants in a company, we also offer our training courses on individual dates.


Even more knowledge

Discover our world of seminars

Screw fields

Force determination guideline VDI 2230

You will gain an insight into the guideline-compliant design and determination of forces in bolt arrays.


Application DIN 743 & FKM

The theory of safety verification in accordance with DIN 743 Part 1-4 is explained in a practical way using examples.

Welded connections

Quality-oriented design in practice

design, quality control & damage prevention in the field of welded constructions according to ISO 2553.

Calculation made easy

MDESIGN software solutions

Time-saving, standard-compliant design, recalculation, optimization and documentation of components and component groups.
Overview of software solutions
Discover your full potential

MDESIGN Services

Our services not only offer you many years of experience and expertise in calculation, simulation and software development, we are also implementing more and more engineering projects using machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Overview of Services

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